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Whilst the Factfind and needs analysis element of the client relationship is time consuming, it pales into insignificance compared with the amount of time that can be spent compiling a full holistic financial planning report for the client.

Even with a template-style document, advisers tell us that they regularly spend two to four hours or more building a full financial planning report.

The advisers behind Clarity were no different – in 1999, a typical client required 7.5 hours of the practice’s time between first contact and delivery of the financial planning report. By far the most significant element of this was the report, which took three people to compile, edit and complete, and then an appointment was required to present it.

Whilst computerised report writing tools have been available for some years, many of them, quite frankly, look like they are computer-generated. At Clarity, we wanted the report to be quick to complete, but appear to the client as though it had been compiled specifically for them, with little or no obvious generic content.

Eighteen months of programming resulted in the Clarity Financial Report. A holistic financial planning report that whilst very quick to produce (substantially less than 1 hour with practice and familiarity) is capable of meeting the exacting standards set by the Institute of Financial Planning.

Unlike some financial reports, Clarity’s is simple, clear and concise. It uses the pages from the Factfind to produce material that the client understands. As well as detailed information on all the chosen areas, it also generates a simple but effective Action Point List, so that the client can see at a glance what they should be doing.

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Developed by Gen2Group